Mobile Wallets

How to Send Money through Easypaisa without App



Easypaisa has multiple options to send or transfer money to either CNIC, bank account, or to another mobile account. Normally you send or transfer money via Easypaisa mobile app.

In case you don’t have an Easypaisa app or you’re without internet, still you can send money through Easypaisa without app by following the steps below.

  1. Take a photocopy of your original CNIC
  2. Note down or get the CNIC number of the person to whom you want to send money
  3. (Optional) Note down or get the mobile phone number of the receiver
  4. Find your nearest EasyPaisa retailer outlet now and go there by following the map directions
  5. Tell the retailer that you want to ‘send money through EasyPaisa’
  6. Retailer will ask the following information from you:
    1. Amount to transfer
    2. Your CNIC copy or CNIC number
    3. Your mobile number
    4. Receiver’s CNIC number
    5. Receiver’s mobile number
  7. Now, the retailer will initiate the money transfer and ask you to enter a secret passcode / pin / code that you can share later with the receiver secretly. Don’t tell this code to anyone, not even retailer.
  8. Now the retailer will complete the transaction and once it is done, you will be given transaction ID by the retailer and a hard copy of sending a payment (optional at some places).
  9. You’ll also receive transaction ID on your given phone number and the receiver shall also receive the transaction ID to receive payment from the nearest Easypaisa Outlet.
  10. Pay the amount you requested to transfer as well as the service charges for sending the payment. View Service charges for sending money through EasyPaisa.
  11. Finally, share the passcode with the receiver and ask him/her to receive the money from any nearest EasyPaisa outlet.

In case you face any issue with EasyPaisa money transfer or miss your code, call to EasyPaisa helpline numbers for immediate contact.

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