Mobile Apps

Install PTCL Smart TV App on Android

Downloading and installation instructions for PTCL Smart TV App on Android phones.



Watch your favorite TV shows, videos, and movies on PTCL Smart TV app on your Android phone. It is free for PTCL Broadband customers. Follow the simple steps to install PTCL smart television application on your Google Android phones:-

  1. On your Android phones, open play store.
  2. Search for “PTCL Smart TV” in the search box.
  3. Tap on the application icon to open details of the application within playstore. The official PTCL Smart tv app has a logo with 3 colors in it i-e red, blue, and green as 3 petals.
  4. Tap on Install button. Accept the permissions it requires to access from your phone. It’ll start downloading the app in your smartphone memory.
  5. Once installed, open the app and login into the app with credentials that PTCL sent you to your registered email. The login button is at top-right corner of the app.
  6. Enjoy watching videos of your choice, finally.


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